Review our newly added datasets as well as updates to existing layers.
UPDATED: Age Breakdown
New release. 2023 ACS Estimates used (latest available data).
UPDATED: Builders
New release. 2024 Q4 data used.
UPDATED: Building Footprints
New release.
UPDATED: Commute Times
New release. 2023 ACS Estimates used (latest available data).
UPDATED: Daytime Population
New release. 2023 ACS Estimates used (latest available data).
UPDATED: Density – People Per Square Mile
New release. 2023 ACS Estimates used (latest available data).
UPDATED: Median Home Value
New release. 2023 ACS Estimates used (latest available data).
UPDATED: Median Household Income
New release. 2023 ACS Estimates used (latest available data).
UPDATED: Migration
New release. 2023 ACS Estimates used (latest available data).
New release.
UPDATED: Parcels
New release. 2024 Q4.
UPDATED: Data Centers
New release. Five additional data centers added.
UPDATED: Fiber Lines
New release. 61,000 lines newly mapped, mostly in California and Wisconsin.
UPDATED: Natural Gas Lines
New release. 318,000 new lines mapped, mostly in Louisiana, Montana, Oklahoma, and Texas.
UPDATED: Substations
New release. 80 additional substations mapped, mostly in North Dakota and Texas.
NEW LAYER: Solar Installations
New layer added to highlight solar installations in the USA.
UPDATED: Fiber Lines
New release. Datasets updated.
UPDATED: Natural Gas Lines
New release. 15,000 new lines mapped, mostly in Texas, Wisconsin, and the Northern Plains.
UPDATED: Substations
New release. 104 new substations mapped, mostly in Indiana, Ohio, Michigan, and the Northeast.
UPDATED: Transmission Lines
New release. New lines mapped: mostly occurring in Indiana, Ohio, Oklahoma, and Texas.
UPDATED: Electric Service Areas
New release. Changes in various locations throughout Alabama, Louisiana, and East Texas.
UPDATED: Fiber Lines
New release. 199,367 new lines, mostly in the Southeast.
UPDATED: Natural Gas Lines
New release. 43,691 new lines added, mostly in Texas.
UPDATED: Points of Interest
New release. Monthly update of location data.
UPDATED: Substations
New release. Changes in various locations throughout the country. New locations located mostly in Iowa, Ohio, and West Texas.
UPDATED: Transmission Lines
New release. Changes in various locations throughout the country. New locations mostly occurring throughout the Southwest and Midwest.